Mittwoch, 25. April 2012

The Big Review II

I'm gonna write this post about Townsville the cosy city where I live here in Australia. To be honest: I really thought that this city is gonna be the death for me when I just got here. I looked out of the car window and I thought the whole time:"oh my god, oh my god, oh my god... that looks so boring and not cool at all here..." Yes, that's what I thought. Especially in the first 2 months when I used to live in another host family and I had no friends. So life was terrible for me. It was boring where I used to live and I really wasn’t happy that's why I decided to move in another host family and restarted. Yes, it was a good decision and I still love my host family as much as my own family. They are so awesome!! Then, I started to notice that Townsville isn't that bad as I thought. I had to deal with it that it isn't a big town like Brisbane or Melbourne. Though, it isn't even bigger than my hometown in Germany (Hildesheim). Well, I love the city more and more from day to day. This place has something magic and unique. I can't really describe it, but the environment is always stunning and I really love walking home at sunset. It's just amazing and makes me smile. Moreover, this city leads me into deep thoughts about myself what I couldn't do in Germany because I was so incredibly busy and here I can take the time and rethink about my whole life and who I really am. I still hear people saying: "This city sucks!" I think they are wrong because they don't really rate it. I really wanna live here, too. It isn't that bad. I think this little spot in Australia is perfect!!!

Kelso area

My view when I go back from school in the afternoon..

Cannon Park



Harbour. I really love this picture!!

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