Dienstag, 24. April 2012

The Big Review I

It depresses me to know that my journey will end here in 20 days, but to be honest I can still remember all bits and pieces how I got here, what happened so far and in which mood I was- that's crazy!! The 6th of July 2011 was a really special day. Not only for me; for everyone! It was the day where I made the first step towards the independance. To be honest I wasn't quite sure whether I was mature enough to leave home for such a long time. I was really nervous, but I pretended to be super cool and tried to make a relaxed impression of myself. Not sure whether I was successful in that. So my Dad and I went to Frankfurt Airport early in the morning. I still remember that I couldn't sleep very well the last night because it made me insane knowing that the next day's gonna change my life. I was really tired at the airport. My Dad and I we spent together my last couple of hours there. We drunk a lot of coffee and I could enjoy German buns with fresh cold meat for only once. I couldn't imagine living without my German bread at that time that's why I bought a baking book, but I've never used it so far. Then it was time to say "Goodbye" and our farewell was sort of sad. I could see my Dad's eyes were getting a bit wet and I had no idea how to react in that moment because so many different emotions of sadness, excitement and happiness were crushing together in me. Thus, I decided to be emotionless outside of me. I think it was the best for me and especially for me Dad.

So yeah, here we go. I entered in a new chaptor of my life...

... a new CHANCE to start all over again and to do the best...


 "The use of traveling is to   regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are."  –  Samuel Johnson

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